A corrida dos delegados acabou. Barack Obama acaba de ultrapassar a fasquia dos 1627, apesar da estrondosa derrota no Kentucky.
quarta-feira, 21 de maio de 2008
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A corrida dos delegados acabou. Barack Obama acaba de ultrapassar a fasquia dos 1627, apesar da estrondosa derrota no Kentucky.
Posted by
Rita Siza
Labels: Barack Obama, Delegados, Resultados
3 comentários:
Nao contando com a Florida e Michigan, certo?
"Who cares about Florida e Michigan"?
Afinal, eles não quebrarem as regras das primárias? Os candidatos concordaram com isso, pelo que não faz sentido mudar as regras só para agradar ao candidato que está a perder...
But Florida is a very important battleground state. It is to the Democrats disadvantage not caring about Florida. McCain is leading Obama there by more than 10%.
I agree that rules should not be changed "after the game has started". But that was not the Democrats' argument back in 2000. Back then was "every vote should count", specially in...Florida.
Why not applying the same reasoning now ? We will conclude that Obama will get the nomination with less popular vote than Hillary, in a similar manner to Bush/Gore in 2000.
In fact, a few weeks ago Ted Olson wrote an article in the WSJ where he offered to the Obama campaing his legal arguments from Bush v. Gore, the Supreme Court case in which Olson successfully represented Bush in 2000.
Isn't all this so deliciously ironic?
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